6 of the Most Exciting Spots in New Orleans
Go BackAh! New Orleans — the land of mystery, music, and history. This city is home to the most notorious celebration — Mardi Gras — on the planet. It houses several events from Wrestlemania XXX to the New Orleans Jazz Fest. If you’re not exactly the most time-specific person, wanting to enjoy your sites at leisure, get in your rental and visit a few of the local and year-round sites of the jazzy city.
Here are a few spots to visit the next time you’re relaxing in New Orleans.
Frenchmen Street
If you’re looking to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle of the modern world, running from neon lighting and explosive sounds, make your way over to Frenchmen Street. This street is littered with a slew of musical pockets waiting for you and yours to come on down and enjoy the midnight fever while the music lifts you off your feet and into the air.
The signs decorating the sides of the road are as old school as you can get, being painted and made of wood hanging over the side railing of your entertainment hub of choice. The bands provide live music — the expense is relatively low as admission ranges from free to very cheap. Oh, and the food is simply incredible. Plus, if you’re not planning on making Frenchmen street your last stop, you can jump in a cab and head on over to the nearby French Quarter.
The French Quarter
The French Quarter is often known for being a historical wonderland of sights and adventures. However, the amount of knowledge spilling over from this avenue’s lifecycle more than takes the cake. The Quarter is littered with a few places that’ll make you smile and giggle like a child, such as Basin St. Station. It’s a great area to catch performances moving up and down the pavement, too, with locals and visitors parading about.
However, there is a side of the French Quarter that isn’t as giddy but just as important. New Orleans has a rich history dipped in dark acts and individuals looking to fight off the prejudices of men. Within the Quarter lies rows upon rows of tombs above ground for the entire world to see. Two prominent figures stand out: Madame LaLaurie and Marie Laveau.
Madame LaLaurie was known as being a very social woman back in the old days. However, she had a secret that soon drove her out of favor with the locals after a neighbor saw her chase a young slave to her death.
The Tomb of Marie Laveau
It’s no secret that New Orleans is home to several dark arts and folkloric traditions. It’s also no secret that New Orleans is home to one of the most notorious Folklore women of all time: Marie Laveau. Madame Leveau was rumored to have been an importer of fine liquors on Daphne Street. However, her extracurricular activities included looking after individuals’ wishes and helping her fellow townsfolk.
Her tomb is located in St. Louis Cemetery with the interesting ritual of drawing an “x” on her grave, spinning three times, saying your wish, and allegedly having her grant it. The lore continues to say if she grants your wish, you must go back, circle your x, and give her a little something for her trouble. Another excuse to go back to New Orleans? Alright!
The Domenica
After wandering around for a while, you may want to get your fill of delicious food and relax your tired feet. Make sure that you stop in to the Domenica. This restaurant has some of the best cauliflower antipasti anyone could hope to order on this side of heaven. The décor is elegant but doesn’t scream of any uptight dress codes. You should sit back, relax, and enjoy the hanging lights, easy decorum, and delicious food. You can even order a good old New Orleans pizza with all of the fixings your heart could possibly desire before heading back to your hotel to sleep off your food coma.
Woldenberg Park
This park is the perfect place to start getting yourself back into the swing of walking around and exploring the vastness that is New Orleans. This park allows tourists and locals alike to sit back and enjoy the view of the gorgeous and rapidly expanding Mississippi River. The River is home to several waters joining that flow into the heart of the United States. If you want to enjoy the entirety of the river, as far as the eye can see, make sure you hop on the Canal Place elevator to head straight up and take a gander at this wonderful piece of nature.
This historical neighborhood is home to more than just the film. The Tremè neighborhood is home to several centuries of history where some slaves were garnered the opportunity to barter their freedom. Residing on the “lake side” of the French Quarter, Tremè is also home to some of the most soulful music one can hope to hear coming out of our time period. Taking a visit here will garner several memories, helping anyone take a step back and admire the history that has created several generations of musicians and the spirit of the people.
New Orleans is a place of wonderment and amusement. It’s also a place that should never be forgotten and should always be revered as a historical place with many different faces. Saying that this beautiful city is only a place where you party, throw beads, and take green-purple pictures with a man on stilts is only a fraction of the truth. New Orleans is the heart of the people and should never be forgotten as such. Make sure you go in and sit with an old barkeeper and listen to their stories. They are usually better than any movie that we could see on the big screen, or any story that can be told from the mouths of a tour guide.
Do you know other exciting places in New Orleans that are worth visiting? Let us know!
Emily Green
Latest posts by Emily Green (see all)
Place: New Orleans
Date: 24 Apr-2014
Impression & Feelings: New Orleans is like no other city in the world. With such an abundance of great music, great food and great attractions, a lifetime wouldn’t be enough to see and do it all. New Orleans is also a kid friendly city with lots of activities and things to see and do for the whole family.
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